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Despite concerns, county proceeds with recording policy

Gloucester County Administrator Brent Fedors said he has received a lot of comments from board members and the public in recent weeks on a policy he developed regarding audio recordings of conversations between county staff and the public. He announced Tuesday night to the county’s board of supervisors that he has since amended that policy “almost 180 degrees,” but several supervisors still expressed some concern.
When Fedors initially presented the policy to county supervisors in May, he said he hoped it might eliminate some of the “he said/she said” disputes, as some conversations with county staff would be recorded. At that time, employees would have been permitted to use audio recording equipment, but would first be required to obtain written authorization from the county administrator, as well as the citizen being made aware of the recording taking place.
After receiving further input, Fedors said he has changed the policy so that only the county admi...

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