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Deep roots: Early days of MHS football, growing up in Mathews

From the early days of football at Mathews High School to today, Archie Owens has observed many changes and experienced much. He has had fun times as well as difficulties. His family, friends and faith are all integral parts of his life.

As a young boy, Archie first played football in a neighbor’s yard with his friends. He did not own a football himself, but his buddies and he had fun together.

When he got to high school, Archie was able to play real football. He was ready for this sport and loved it. However, before he could go to school and after he came home each day, Archie had chores. He had to feed their horse, cow and hogs. He had to split wood for heating their home and for cooking, as there was no electricity back then. He did all this before they could eat their meals. Archie completed all of these chores by himself as his father worked away on an oil tanker.

Football practices were held four days a week, Monday-Thursday, after school from 2-4:30 p.m. Transportation...

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