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Dancing until midnight in 1912

110 YEARS AGOThursday, Jan. 11, 1912from the Mathews Journal
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Hughes gave a delightful dance on last Friday night, after dancing until midnight refreshments were served. All went home expressing a pleasant time. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Cauthorn, Mr. and Mrs. Booze, Mr. and Mrs. Haskell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, Mrs. Wm. Miller, Mrs. Dora Hughes, Mr. J.H. Burton, the Misses Mollie, Alice, Jesse and Janie Miller, Lillian Terry, Elvira Maxwell and Clarene Mason, Mollie and Carrie Jones, Helen Booze, Hope Chase, Gussie Miller, Miss Rhodes, Georgie and Mabell Cauthorn, Edith Wickhouse, Helen Chase, Messrs. Phil, Mason, Ira, John and George Hearn, John Spencer, Roland Jones, Allen Wickhouse, Wilber Mason, Jack Billups, Charlie Billups, Alma Bentley, Rufus Miller, Willie Parker, Roland Chase, Page Bullock, Willie Aldrich, Vernon Hunley and Mr. Seth Miller.

100 YEARS AGO...

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