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Dancing until midnight at Redart

110 YEARS AGOThursday, January 16, 1913from the Mathews Journal

There was a delightful dance given Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dixon, Redart, in honor of Miss Gaynell Dillehay. Dancing commenced at eight o’clock and continued until 12, after which the guests departed for their respective homes, thanking Mr. and Mrs. Dixon for having spent such an enjoyable evening and hope they may give them another dance again soon.

100 YEARS AGOThursday, January 18, 1923from the Gloucester Gazette

Achilles: We are very glad to report that Miss Martha Hogg, who has been sick, has returned back to school.

Miss Mary Hogge spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. H.F. Belvin, near Severn.

The children of Achilles are very busy studying for examinations. Hope they will all be successful.

We are sorry to report that Miss Robins has a very bad cold.

We all sympathize with Mr. Burgher on account of the death of his wife, who departed this life Dec. 27, 1922, after...

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