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Daffodil Festival: Perfect timing to shake off the winter doldrums

With an unusually cold winter and temperatures waiting until this week to finally feel like spring, it seems hard to believe it is time for Gloucester’s Daffodil Festival.
The 28th annual festival, scheduled for Saturday and Sunday along Main Street, will feature a full weekend of family fun, including traditional favorites and some new special events.
The mainstay of the festival, the parade, will officially kick off the day’s events at 10 a.m. Saturday, winding its way along Main Street from Main Street Center to Botetourt Elementary School.
The festival’s opening ceremony will follow at 11:15 from the Main Stage behind Gloucester County office building #2, where the 2014 Daffodil Queen will be crowned and parade and scholarship winners will be announced.
Another special event on Saturday morning will be a live broadcast of the nationwide “In the Garden with the Viettes” radio show from 8-11 inside the colonial courthouse. If that doesn’t answer al...

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