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County budget time – Short public hearing held in Mathews

Monday night’s public hearing on Mathews County’s proposed 2019-2020 budget and tax rates was short and without fireworks. Few people spoke out pro and con about the proposed $26.57 million budget, which is $2.3 million more than that proposed last year, or the proposed increase in the real estate tax rate of 7 cents per $100 of assessed value.
Supervisors themselves gave no comment on the matter, and the meeting was adjourned in less than an hour. Supervisors were scheduled to hold a work session on the budget yesterday and are expected to adopt the budget and tax rates during the regular board meeting at 1 p.m. Tuesday in the historic courthouse.
During public comment from people opposed to the budget, Herbert Gradl of North voiced his concern that the proposed tax rate would equate to a 12.9-percent increase in the taxes on his $500,000 property.
Richard Hicks of North said that the cost of living had increased over the years, but that teachers had gotten both basic and ...

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