Items on Tuesday’s Gloucester Board of Supervisors’ agenda include discussion of recommended changes to the county’s Highway Corridor Overlay District (HCOD), as well as an upcoming public hearing on changes to the Floodplain Management Ordinance.
The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the colonial courthouse.
Floodplain management
The board of supervisors is expected to discuss the county’s Floodplain Management Ordinance, and any changes it may wish to make to the ordinance before it goes to public hearing in September.
According to Gloucester’s assistant county administrator for community development Garrey Curry, the amended ordinance is required to reference the new Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Insurance Study prepared for the county by FEMA. Both of these items will become effective Nov. 19.
One of the major proposed changes in the ordinance deals with construction in the Coastal A Zone to meet building code requirements of the V and VE zones, wh...
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