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Cookies for everyone in library exchange

Sharing your cookies with others has always been a pleasure. Sharing a glass of milk and your cookies with Santa Claus once a year is a tradition families began in the United States in the 1930s during the Great Depression. It is believed many parents tried to teach their children that it was important to give to others and to show gratitude for the gifts they were lucky enough to receive on Christmas Day.

Almost 100 years later many children still set out cookies and milk on Christmas Eve. Some even add carrots for the reindeer.

Mathews Memorial Library recently held its fourth Holiday Cookie Exchange (the three previous events have been recorded in a cookbook for each). Friends of the Library who love to bake bring in a tray of cookies which they hope will be selected as the best cookie on the table. According to the judge, “Selecting the best one is not easy. They are all first-place winners.”

The recipe that surely put a smile on Santa’s face and did not crumble as he fle...

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