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Cookbook with a mission

This is the third cookbook, "Heavenly Delights," published by Emmanuel United Methodist Church since its foundation in 1880.

The first cookbook was published in 1982 with the second coming in 1991. No longer in print, they are dearly prized yet much worn from use. "Heavenly Delights" will be the new addition to your cookbook library, and it, too, in time will show signs of daily use.

The United Methodist Women, a group active in missions nationally, internationally and locally in a variety of ways under the direction of Barbara Vaughan with the help of the entire church congregation, "plus my daughter, Mary Ewell, who was a great help," compiled, edited and are now selling the 2012 edition.

Having been involved in publishing a cookbook in memory of her grandson with great success, Barbara thought this would be a great way to raise money to fund the church’s many missions, thus she became chairman.

"We sent an appeal out to all members for recipes and they all came thro...

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