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Computer expert to discuss AI at library talk

“Artificial Intelligence–A Step Forward for Humankind” will be the topic of a talk to be given at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Mathews Memorial Library, Main Street, Mathews.

With interest in artificial intelligence at a high, the library has engaged computer scientist David Der to discuss the rise of artificial intelligence, some of the applications available, and what can be expected in the future. Der is the head of Engineering and Data Science at the financial technology firm Spring Oaks Capital, and for the past 10 years, has been focused on Machine Learning and AI, according to a press release from library director Bette Dillehay.

“AI is …,” said Dillehay, adding, “This is the response of most individuals when attempting to engage in discussion of the concept of Artificial Intelligence.”

The question “What is AI?” has become increasingly relevant as use of the term appears in the press and on social media, said Dillehay.

“While its potential to take over the world within the ne...

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