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Coloring book prepares families for safety around the dock

The Dock Safety Coloring Book made by David Thomas continues to be a fun, free source of lifesaving lessons for children. The book is filled with pictures that each depict an important lesson about dock safety, each of which are based on real life accounts from others.

Thomas has published 3,400 copies of the book himself and has placed them in local stores, marinas, restaurants, schools and has given to a number of individuals. He also said that others, like different Coast Guard stations have access to the book and have printed their own copies. He knows the book is being enjoyed by kids in other states as well.

Thomas’s goal is to prevent the next tragedy from happening through the coloring, which is why he’s made the book easily accessible. The Dock Safety Coloring Book can also be freely downloaded on the Mathews Visitor and Information Center website at


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