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College plan sounds great, but where’s the money coming from?

Although President Barack Obama’s College Affordability Plan may be good in its premise, it may be more difficult to implement than some might think, according to Rappahannock Community College president Elizabeth “Sissy” Crowther.
“Bring it on,” Crowther said, talking about how the proposal will bring about much-needed dialogue on the idea of college affordability. “I think the intent is fabulous.”
According to Crowther, society has been moving away from the thinking that there is a need for higher education to promote good citizenry. “So it’s nice to have dialogue and it’s nice to have the president of the country seeing this as a priority as well,” she added.
Obama’s plan will measure college performance through a new ratings system so students and families have the information to select schools that provide the best value. Once this ratings system is well established, Congress is expected to then tie federal st...

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