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Coastal Confections Bakery opens in Mathews

Branches, a home décor shop on Main Street, Mathews, has opened a sister shop next door, Coastal Confections Bakery.
George Olrogge of Yorktown, who owns the business with his wife Bonnie, said that Coastal Confections is part of the main store. The addition, which once housed another bakery, has doubled the store’s space to more than 2,500 square feet.
The Olrogges opened their bakery on April 12 and the addition to Branches has proved to help bring in a lot of customers. Customers can browse in Branches for antiques and gifts and walk through to the bakery, or vice versa 
Bonnie Olrogge previously owned a bakery in York County for 14 years. She and George once ran an antique and gift business near Yorktown for 13 years.
They opened Branches last summer and decided to rent the adjacent space so that Bonnie could begin baking again. She’s well known in the region for her pound cake, George said, as she once won a national cooking contest with her pound cake reci...

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