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Christmas at Buck’s

The Guinea Heritage Association held its Christmas at Buck’s fundraiser on Saturday to raise money to put a new metal roof on Buck’s Store Museum at Bena. On sale were a variety of items, including homemade cakes, Christmas ornaments, and Guinea Jubilee T-shirts that were left over when this year’s jubilee was canceled. The Kenneth and Patricia Hall Charitable Foundation has agreed to match the Guinea Heritage Association dollar for dollar for all funds raised up to $25,000, said association board member Hamilton Williams, shown above at right, looking at 1949 photos of the Union Church Sunday School along with, from left, Bill Henry Jenkins and Rupert Thomas. The day was also a neighborhood appreciation day, with barbecue sandwiches and soft drinks handed out free of charge. Below, Santa and Mrs. Claus and Elf Jeannie welcomed Rick and Ginny Hamlet to the Christmas at Buck’s holiday celebration. In bottom photo, Santa flagged down this motorist to join in the Christmas open house fun....

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