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Children’s activities begin June 23 at Steamboat Era Museum

Friday morning children’s activities will begin June 23 at the Steamboat Era Museum, Irvington. Children from 4-12 years-old will learn about the history of how steamboats impacted the communities around the Northern Neck and Chesapeake Bay, asked to imagine what being a child over a century ago was like.

Activities include viewing photos of children and adults from the Steamboat Era, turning the Potomac pilothouse wheel and ringing the engine order telegraph bell, playing children’s games and singing songs popular during the time of steamboats. Making a wooden steamboat and testing it in the water will teach about buoyancy and other scientific concepts.

Also, they will meet Caleb, Eleanor, Henry, Rebecca and Miss Julia in the new exhibit “Children’s Lives Around the Northern Neck 1880s-1930s.” These characters will explain what school and fun were like in that period.

Children’s activities are every Friday from June 23 through Aug. 18, 10:30 a.m.-noon. The fee is $5 per chil...

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