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Chef demonstrates, then serves

Chef Jacob Galloway had many years of experience in the culinary world before returning to Gloucester in order “to spend more time with my young son (seven years old).” And lucky for the Patriots Grill, he was here to assist in its opening last year.
Jacob says he has always loved cooking. “I had my first job in a restaurant at the age of 15. By the age of 16 I had moved over to Four Seasons in Richmond. When beginning I did everything, including dishwashing. It took me four years to move up.” And move up Jacob did. He has now been cooking professionally for 18 years and looking forward to many more successful adventures in the food world. His ultimate goal is owning his own restaurant. “But for now I plan on being at the Patriot for a long time.”
Jacob attended culinary school at Long Beach, Calif., but gives much credit for his culinary education to the former chefs he trained under. He believes what he learned from them has been far more valuable ...

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