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Changes on the horizon for Beehive

Gloucester’s Community Engagement and Public Information Department has revamped how it will be delivering the county’s Beehive publication to residents.

Beginning with the fall issue, the department will publish a magazine-style Beehive, which will be placed at strategic locations in the county for easy access by all members of the community.

The same kind of information residents and visitors to Gloucester have come to expect with the Beehive will remain consistent, including up-to-date county news, community events, and activities sponsored by the Gloucester Library and Parks, Recreation and Tourism Departments. However, the design and creativity of how that information is delivered will change.

The quarterly publication first began in the early 1980s as a way for the county to reach its residents with timely information, community events, and current news. Over time, the Beehive has grown in the number of pages it has offered, but kept with a tabloid, newspaper-style prin...

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