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Chad Green running unopposed for 69th District HOD seat

Chad Green of Seaford, is the sole candidate running in the Nov. 7 election for the Virginia House of Delegates’ newly-drawn 69th District seat, which covers the Gloucester Point area in addition to parts of York County, James City County and Newport News. He is running as a Republican.

Green’s candidate website outlines the issues he is addressing in his campaign. He says he is in favor of Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s proposal to prevent abortion at 15 weeks, with exceptions for rape and incest and a threat to the mother’s life. In conjunction with that, he is also in favor of expanding opportunities to adopt in Virginia.

Green expresses support for lowering the gas tax, repealing the grocery tax, and ending the Green New Deal, and he says he supports both the Second Amendment of the Constitution and “the brave men and women in law enforcement.”

There should be high standards for children in the classroom, says Green, and he supports putting “more dollars directly in the classroom ...

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