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Care Closet available to help meet students’ needs

The Gloucester High School Care Closet meets students’ needs, no matter the circumstances.

Sally Hartley, special education job coach and special education transition planning and coordination teacher, leads the Care Closet effort with her students. Together, they work to keep the Care Closet stocked with meal and snack items, toiletries and hygiene products, towels and blankets, clothing and shoes of all sizes, and school supplies.

As part of the GHS Transition Program, which is an employment transition program from high school to adulthood, Hartley’s students have learned how to pack grocery bags of food for students to take home, fold clothing using a folding board, cleaning and labeling shoes, and organizing donations.

“We want them to have those basic skills,” said Hartley.

Early last month, the Care Closet was beginning to become sparse, particularly low on food items as many food bags were dispersed to students in need ahead of winter break. The GHS Transition Progr...

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