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Candidate forums in Gloucester, Mathews

With the Nov. 7 General Election a little more than a month away, a number of organizations have stepped up to host candidate forums during the coming weeks to give voters opportunities to hear straight from those on the ballot how they stand on various issues.
The first forum, a “Meet the Candidates Night,” is scheduled for Monday evening at the Abingdon Ruritan Club, Bena. So far, it is the only opportunity planned for Gloucester residents to hear from local candidates running for the county’s board of supervisors and school board.
This forum, sponsored by the Gloucester chapter of the NAACP, the Gloucester Education Association and the Gloucester Retired Educators Association, will begin with a meet and greet and refreshments at 6:30 p.m. The forum, which will include opening statements, a question-and-answer period and closing statements, will take place from 7-9 o’clock.
According to Bobby Ray, one of the forum’s organizers, those who attend will be a...

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