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C.H. Players to present dinner theater production of ‘Dixie Swim Club’

“The Dixie Swim Club,” a dinner theater production of the Court House Players, opens tonight at St. Therese Roman Catholic Church, Gloucester.

Dinner begins at 7 o’clock tonight, July 12, through Saturday, July 15, with curtain at 8, while Sunday’s performance will be the show only, beginning at 3 p.m.

This comedy/drama tells the story of five Southern women whose friendship has lasted 33 years, since the time they were all part of their college swim team. Every summer they meet for a long weekend at the same beach cottage on North Carolina’s Outer Banks to catch up, laugh, and meddle in each other’s lives.

Sheree, played by Carolyn Molly, is the group’s leader. She desperately tries to maintain her organized and “perfect” life no matter what comes her way. 

Dinah (Amanda Adams) is an attorney whose victories in the courtroom contrast with the frustrations of her personal life, and outspoken Lexie (Becky Hogge) is determine...

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