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Budget presentation to be made Tuesday

Gloucester County Administrator Brent Fedors is expected to present his proposed budget for fiscal year 2017 to the county board of supervisors during its meeting Tuesday night in the colonial courthouse. The regular meeting will begin at 7 p.m. and public hearings will commence at 7:30.
The board is also expected to decide on its advertised tax rates for calendar year 2016 and fiscal year 2017.
Also during the meeting, there will be a public hearing to consider an ordinance being added to county code restricting the hours for door-to-door sales in the county. The board will determine the hours during which door-to-door sales at residential dwellings are allowed following the public hearing.
A second public hearing will be to consider amending Gloucester’s zoning map to reclassify a parcel of property in the Abingdon district to resolve an error in the zoning map that has established a business zoning for a property used and assessed for residential purposes.
Other matters schedu...

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