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Board to put a member on redistricting committee

There was some difference of opinion on who should lead Gloucester County’s redistricting process during the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors meeting Dec. 7 that was held in the colonial courthouse.

Gloucester County administrator Brenda Garton had drafted a plan that will include appointing members to a redistricting committee. The committee will include a member of the electoral board, the Gloucester Planning Commission, the county administrator, county attorney, the school superintendent, a member of the NAACP, five citizens (one from each district), the voter registrar, the GIS superintendent, and the planning director.

The plan, however, did not include any representative from the board of supervisors. Garton’s plan included making a regular report to supervisors on the progress the committee would have made.

"This is our job," said At-large supervisor Michelle Ressler. "We should be going to the committee."

Ressler suggested having ...

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