The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors will discuss a set of recommendations regarding revisions to the county’s fund balance policy during its meeting Tuesday night, which will begin at 7 o’clock in the colonial courthouse. Stephanie Tinsley, the county’s director of financial services, is expected to present the recommended revisions.
During budget negotiations for the next fiscal year’s budget, several board members expressed concern about dipping into the county’s fund balance in order to fund operating expenses such as fully funding the fire and rescue squads. In the budget, $159,000 was taken out of the county’s unassigned fund balance to help fill the revenue versus expenditure gap.
Gloucester’s county administrator Brent Fedors will also present his Quality Assurance Audio Recording and Civility policies, which will take effect July 1. Several supervisors said during a May 16 board meeting that an audio recording policy might ...
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