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Board to consider Bavon Beach wetlands request

The Mathews County Wetlands Board will consider two applications for work that will disturb wetlands during its meeting at 7 p.m. next Wednesday, Jan. 4 in the historic courtroom on Court Street.

Bavon Beach Homeowners Association has requested a permit to construct four headland breakwaters—one 300 feet long, one 250 feet long, and two 200 feet long—for a total of 950 feet of breakwater along the Chesapeake Bay in the area of Chesapeake Shores and Bavon Beach. The project would also include a 109-foot pipe extension, 44,000 cubic yards of beach nourishment, and plantings of wetlands grasses.

The proposed project is the result of a cooperative effort among homeowners, the Nature Conservancy which owns the beachfront and a lot adjacent to the water, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service which is charged with protecting the Northeastern Beach Tiger Beetle, an endangered species that inhabits the beach.

Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, the Williamsburg engineering firm handli...

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