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Board seeks sewer district expansion

The Mathews County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously during Monday night’s meeting to ask the Hampton Roads Sanitation District to approve a request for a sanitary sewer expansion for 28.37 acres at the intersection of Routes 3 and 198 in the Dutton/Cobbs Creek area of the county.

SHERRY HAMILTON / GAZETTE-JOURNALSupervisors recognized the Mathews County Lantern Committee and Mathews County Historical Society, including the Lighthouse Task Force, for their efforts in preserving New Point Comfort Lighthouse and its history during Monday night’s meeting. Shown accepting the resolution from board chairman Mike Rowe is Reed Lawson, left, president of the historical society.

In July, the board voted to rezone a parcel at that intersection from Rural to Business-2 at the request of Rhetson Companies, Inc., a property developer that proposes mixed-use development for the site, including 24,000 square feet of retail space, 1,100 square feet of office space, and 60 housing units.
The req...

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