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Blood drive

A community blood drive held on July 18 at the Piankatank Ruritan Club, Hudgins, resulted in the collection of 59 units, according to Red Cross volunteer Nan Cross. Fifty-six potential donors took part, one was deferred and two were not able to give a sufficient quantity, while seven provided double-red donations. Laura Buffato and Douglas Thomas gave for the first time in Mathews, while Thomas Lewis (at left) made his first-ever donation. Receiving gallon pins were Rusty Morgan (one gallon), Amy Hudgins (three gallons), Molly Broderson (five gallons), Dennis Austin (seven gallons), Melanie Procopio and James Hall (eight gallons), Robert Norris and Cathy Owens (15 gallons) and Jim Drummond (18 gallons). The next Mathews community blood drive will be held on Sept. 12.

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