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Bethel to hold memorial tribute for ‘Pastor Mike’

Bethel Baptist Church, Sassafras, will conduct a memorial tribute to the Rev. Michael Wayne Jackson, who served as its pastor for nine years and died in 2017.

The tribute will be conducted at noon on Saturday, May 25, and will include dedication of a pastor recognition placard at his gravesite, said an announcement from the Rev. James Harris, current pastor. The occasion also marks the 73rd anniversary of his birth.

The program will begin in the sanctuary to include reflections, special music and a special offering to be donated for cancer research in his memory, the notice said. Those attending are asked to wear a touch of royal blue, Jackson’s favorite color.

A reception in the fellowship hall will follow the graveside service.

The Sassafras Stage Bethel Legacy and Heritage Room; and the classrooms in the new complex for which fundraising started under Mr. Jackson’s pastorate, will be open for visitation.

“Pastor Mike,” as he was called, was a native of Fort Worth, Te...

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