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Be sure to buckle up on your holiday trip, VSP urges

For many Virginians, gathering with family and friends is the true meaning for Thanksgiving.
Some will even travel long distances to share in these wonderful family moments. Just as important as it is to make sure those pies and casseroles make it to the dinner table safely, motorists need to make their own safety a priority, as well.
The Virginia State Police is reminding all drivers and passengers of all ages to buckle up this holiday weekend. Preliminary data shows that 54 percent of those who have died in traffic crashes this year were not wearing a seat belt or safety restraint.
“The fact that more than half of those who have lost their lives in traffic crashes this year were not wearing a seat belt is a tragic and inexcusable reality for Virginia,” said Col. Gary T. Settle, VSP Superintendent. “Your family wants you to arrive safely and clicking a seat belt can help that happen. Virginia State Police and your loved ones want you to arrive at your destination safely—ditch distract...

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