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Aviation pioneer/author to take part in radio interview

Aviation pioneer/author Mary Bush Shipko will take part in an interview with Neal Steele of WXGM (99.1 FM) at 8 a.m. on Monday, June 10.

As one of the world’s first women airline pilots, Shipko broke barriers in a male-dominated field and has since dedicated her life to inspiring future generations. Her current book, “The Firsts: Women Pilots and How They Changed the Airlines,” provides an insider’s view into the women who revolutionized aviation over the past five decades.

Shipko’s other books include a memoir “Aviatrix” and a children’s book designed to spark young readers’ interest in aviation. Steele has interviewed members of Chesapeake Bay Writers on the second Monday of nearly every month since 2007.

This interview will be available as a podcast on the CBW podcast page at CBW is a chapter of the Virginia Writers Club and welcomes both published and aspiring writers. For more information about the group and its planned activities, visit che...

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