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Andersen for School Board

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I’m writing in support and recommendation of Troy Andersen for re-election as the Gloucester Point member of the School Board. Mr. Andersen has served on this board with dignity and composure, continually working as a team player with fellow board members, and refraining from reacting in haste or making decisions distracting from primary board goals.

Mr. Andersen’s background as a civil engineer brings keen insight to the many school renovation projects and to creating the comprehensive plans for the school division that were not in place when he joined the board. Mr. Andersen has served the board as vice chair, currently serves as the chair, and as chair of the board, he has significantly re-established trust with the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Andersen has been instrumental in the board’s completion of the new transportation facility on T.C. Walker Road and transferring the old Page Middle School property to the county.

Mr. Andersen is a Gloucester n...

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