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Andersen for school board

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Gloucester County is an amazing place to grow up for our kids.  The schools and staff are wonderful and really care for each student.  Troy Andersen, the current school board chair, is a prime example of what it means to be a school board member. As a parent who also works in GCPS, I get to see from a different perspective all the great things happening in our schools.

Mr. Andersen is always at school events supporting the staff and students. He has been a part of numerous great things that have bettered our schools for the kids: searching for a new superintendent (twice-in which both times have resulted in a great choice), the much-needed updates to our schools, and establishing a program that matches qualified GHS juniors and seniors with jobs in local businesses and non-profit organizations … to name a few. Mr. Andersen has been heckled and slandered at school board meetings and has taken it all in stride. Despite it all, he has remained fai...

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