To make seniors feel special as their final year of high school was cut short due to the coronavirus outbreak, people are stepping up to let the seniors know that they have not been forgotten amid the pandemic.
Mathews and Gloucester high schools have their own respective “Adopt a Senior” Facebook pages. For both pages, people in the community are encouraged to pick a senior and send him or her something, like a bag of goodies or a card of encouragement.
Response in both counties has been amazing, with seniors getting “adopted” almost as soon as they post on the site, if not before. The Gloucester High School page has some 850 members, while the Mathews page stood at 488 members as of Tuesday.
The Adopt a Mathews High Class of 2020 Senior Facebook page was created by parents Casey Shaw, Lani Ashberry and Jessica Schlosshan. “The purpose is to let our senior class know that we are proud of them and their accomplishments,” said Shaw. MHS seniors can be adopted more than once.
The Adopt a...
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