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AARP TaxAide clarifies process at Gloucester Point site

The Gloucester Point AARP TaxAide group has heard some confusion from taxpayers requesting its services about the process being used at the Gloucester Point site.

This process will require three visits to Gloucester Point Baptist Church on Terrapin Cove Road. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, interaction with taxpayers is limited to periods of 15 minutes or less. As a result, the process is as follows:

—Step 1: Taxpayers should come to the church between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. starting on Wednesday, Feb. 10 and any Wednesday through March 31 to pick up an intake package which contains information on what to provide and how to proceed. No reservation is needed to pick up this package. At the time of package pick-up, an appointment a week later will be made to complete the second step.

—Step 2: Taxpayers will complete the intake sheets and gather all tax documents and return to the church at the appointment time and counselors will review the completed package, intake questionnaire and...

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