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A stream flows by businesses on Main Street

115 YEARS AGOThursday, Aug. 27, 1908from the Mathews Journal

We have noticed with considerable uneasiness the miniature stream that flows almost by The Journal office door. It is a good thing to drain a road but it is questionable as to its being expedient to drain them from the middle. As much business as there is carried on at Mathews Court House, it seems to us that its streets deserve a little more attention. A lady coming here on a wet day is almost sure to spoil her shoes and dress. This condition of affairs is not the one best calculated to impress visitors or strangers with a favorable impression of our county.

110 YEARS AGOThursday, Aug. 29, 1913from the Mathews Journal

Ladies and gentlemen, we the officers and members of our Hope Council, No. 34 Daughters of Liberty, beg to make known that for the next 3 months we will take in members at the following rates: from 16 to 30 years, $1.50; from 30 to 40 years, $2.00; 40 to 45 years, $3.00. Quarterly dues $1.25, sick ben...

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