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80 compete in Boddie tournament

Eighty golfers competed Friday in the annual Father John Boddie Memorial Golf Classic held 4 at the Piankatank River Golf Club in Hartfield.
Flight A winners were Coleman Tillage, David Tillage, Bruce Babbs, Matt Staul, first; Greg Hunter, Dave Keller, Dale Watkins, Tom Lukenic, second; J.V. Salpukas, Bart Reiten, Frank Lohr, John McCormack, third.
Flight B winners with Bill Brandl, Paul Finn, Rob Shipman, Rick Bowman, first; Michele Meanley, Branch Meanley, Courtney Mercer, Cabell Mercer, second; Bill Puttman, Bruce Myers, Clayton Neal, Fritz Sitterding, third.
Flight C winners were Donnie Ross, Brian Ross, Eddie Ross, Loretta Ross, first; J. Gardner, Bubba Baldwin, Scott Kalbrener, Louise Hartz, second; Curt Hornstra, Alec Kornacki, Kristine Kurrasch, David Nemetz, third.
Bart Reiten and Peggy Perry took awards for longest drives; Courtney Mercer (two awards), J.V. Salpukas, Peyton Lambert, closest to the pin. Bob Scherrer and Shirley Hall had the most accurate drives, and Peyton Lam...

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