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6,085 birds spotted in rainy Middle Peninsula Audubon Christmas Bird Count

A total of 6,085 birds of 76 species were counted in the field and on the water during the Middle Peninsula Audubon Christmas Bird Count, which was held on Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2023, according to count compiler Susan Crockett.

Although no rare birds were seen, the following are the high counts for the day: American Robins (580), Ring-billed Gulls (551), Canada Geese (497), Cedar Waxwings (313), Ruddy Ducks (297), and White-throated Sparrows (254).

The Middle Peninsula Master Naturalist Chapter sponsored this fifth year of the Middle Peninsula count.

This is the 124th year that the National Audubon Society has conducted this bird count. It is the longest-running community science bird project providing avian researchers critical statistics on bird populations and bird species distribution.

The 15-mile diameter circle of the Middle Peninsula count includes Gloucester, Middlesex, and King and Queen counties. Forty volunteers braved a long day of rainy weather counting many var...

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