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600+ cyclists attend Tour de Chesapeake

More than 600 cyclists attended the 24th annual Tour de Chesapeake held on Mathews County’s country roads this past weekend, with headquarters at Thomas Hunter Middle School.

The weather—overcast and occasionally drizzly—was described as “perfect biking weather” by event director Lynda Smith Greve.

“This ride has become one of the premier cycling events in our state,” said Greve, “and we are happy to share our county for the day with so many nice folks. Its popularity is a testament to the amazing Mathews volunteers who make it happen.”

Among the volunteers Greve credited were the Middle Peninsula Amateur Radio Club, which provided SAG support for the day, and the civic and nonprofit groups that benefitted from running the rest stops, including the Boy Scouts, Gwynn’s Island Civic League, Bay School Community Arts Center, and Mathews Rotary Club. On top of that, the Central Village Homemakers offered a pound cake dessert for all registered cyclists and Creekside Catering “did...

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