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4 p.m. burn law begins Sunday

Forestry officials had a slow season in responding to brush fires in the area. Local Virginia Department of Forestry technician Nelson Jarvis said, “It was an exceptionally light year in my history of working here.”
However, he was quick to warn residents that each year, conditions can vary from one extreme to the other and added that strict adherence to the 4 p.m. statewide burn ban, which begins Sunday, is paramount to keeping the number of wildfires low.
Once the ban begins, Virginia residents cannot burn trash or debris before 4 p.m. or after midnight through April 30, when humidity levels begin to increase. Violating the law is a Class 3 misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $500, as well as being financially liable for the cost of suppressing the fire and for any damage caused to another’s property.
According to Jarvis, now is a good time for residents to rake away any accumulating leaves or flammable debris that may be close to their homes. “It&rsquo...

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