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30+ years of Mobjack & Mathews rowers make the world smaller

Coach Tim Ulsaker, founder of the rowing programs for Mathews High School and the Mobjack Rowing Association, recently came across some interesting information that continued to tie a number of his alumni together as their rowing experience and professions have become intertwined.
A few weeks before the Mobjack Rowing summer junior competition program left to race at the 135th annual Canadian Henley regatta, Ulsaker said, he received news that Matt Muffelman, a 1999 MHS valedictorian and distinguished rower from MHS and MRA rowing programs, had taken a new job with racing shell manufacturer Hudson Boat Works, located in London, Ontario, Canada. Muffelman will be the first to represent Hudson for U.S. based sales and service and is Hudson’s only U.S. employee. 
After high school, Muffelman rowed at Dartmouth College and continued a worldwide career of U.S. national team training and racing which included a gold and silver medal performance at two world championship regattas. ...

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