More than 200 vendors and thousands of guests are expected to visit Gloucester’s Main Street Saturday and Sunday for the 29th annual Daffodil Festival and parade.
The two-day festival will kick off Saturday morning at 8 o’clock with a live radio broadcast of the national call-in radio program, “In the Garden with the Viettes,” from the colonial courthouse. Then, 50+ entries will take part in the parade with the theme, “Dancing with the Daffodils” that begins at 10 a.m. from Main Street Center.
The opening ceremony of the festival will be held at 11:15 a.m. Saturday on the main stage. This will include the crowning of the 2015 Daffodil Queen, scholarship winners, the recognition of the grand marshal and parade winners.
According to festival coordinator Debbie Wesolowski, this year’s festival will feature special guest Bria Kelly, who was a finalist on NBC’s hit television show, “The Voice.” She will be performing on the main st...
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