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20+ years of bringing music to the community

Bob and Susan McCreary founded Concerts by the Bay together in 2001, then spent over 20 exciting years bringing music and entertainment to Gloucester and Mathews.

The couple recently stepped down as leaders of the organization after having led it through ups and downs with grace and kindness and sure hands, knowing that they were leaving it in good hands.

Just two short weeks ago, Bob passed away, but not before he and Susan and their fellow board members shared memories of their longtime collaboration. Bob’s illness had not robbed him of his warmth and charm and dignity, and his recollections were integral to the interview.

The two recalled the early days of Concerts by the Bay, with occasional comments from their friends and colleagues who serve on the organization’s board. Susan McCreary said it all began when she and Bob, who at that time lived in Northern Virginia but had a family home on a cove off the North River, attended the last concert sponsored by the now-defunct ...

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