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$13,000+ in grants for safety, flood protection at Cow Creek Dam

Cow Creek Dam on Route 14 in Gloucester will receive more than $13,000 in grants, part of $726,000 in grants awarded to support 57 dam safety and flood protection activities around the state.
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation made the announcement last week.
Grants are provided through the Virginia Dam Safety, Flood Prevention and Protection Assistance Fund. The fund was established to provide 50-50 matching grants to both public and private dam owners whose dams are under state regulation and to local communities to improve strategies for flood prevention and protection.
The Gloucester dam is owned by the Cow Creek Mill Pond Association, Inc.
According to a breakdown of the $13,091 in grants, money will go toward Dam Break Inundation Zone Analysis, Mapping and Digitization ($9,963), Emergency Plan Development ($590), Probable Maximum Precipitation Impact Analysis and Certification ($973), and Professional Engineer Inspection ($1,565).
The Virginia Resources Author...

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