The Mathews Outdoor Club held its annual Gwynn’s Island race on Saturday at the Gwynn’s Island Civic League with a record-breaking 118 registrants.
Race options included a four-mile run, 10-mile bike race, combo run/ride duathlon and a 1.31-mile micro half fun run.Overall winners were Matthew Heinicke-Peart (1:03:33.5) and Heather Call (1:12:50.7) in the run/ride duathlon; Seth James (29:44.7) and Jen Robbins (32:42.8) in the four-mile run, and Stuart Gibbs (43:20.5) and Laurie Allen (46:38.5) in the 10-mile ride.
Top finishers by category in the run/ride duathlon were Marie Serfis (1:13.29.5, female 21-39), Call (female 40-59), Cindy Zeller (1:54:05.7, female 60+), Heinicke-Peart (male 21-39), Matt Smith (1:10.35.7, male 40-59) and Bart Johnson (1:11:14.2, male 60+).
For the four-mile run, winners by category were Robbins (female 21-39), Sarah Sanders (33:45.8, female 40-59), Cara Randolph (39:01.6, female 60+), James (male 0-20), James Cook (38:04.2, male 21-39), Paul Scribbins (30:2...
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